Tuesday, September 16, 2014

MobyMax for Math Fact Practice

The lower school is excited to implement a new web-based curriculum called MobyMax for students to practice math facts.  MobyMax is tailored to your child's individual needs and will be used both at home and in the classroom.  Moby's features include:

-Placement tests that accurately identify where your child excels, and where his or her missing skills are
-Targeted instruction to fill in those missing skills
-Systematic review sessions that ensure that your child retains 100% of what he or she has learned

To access MobyMax from your home computer: 

Login steps for [Student]
1.  Please go to www.mobymax.com/signin
2.  Enter School Code: co1998
3.  Enter
Username: first name (lower case)
Password: mobymax

You can also go to www.mobymax.com/co1998 and your child can enter his/her username and password.

To practice math facts, please click on Fact Master.

Once logged in, your child will be able to start immediately and begin improving his or her math facts recall. 

You can sign in as a parent as well by selecting "Parent" from the drop-down menu and entering your child's username and password.  You will be able to monitor your child's progress and even send messages to me.

For homework each week, students will be expected to practice math facts for 40 minutes.  We would like at least 20 of those minutes to be using MobyMax.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Back to School Night

Thank you so much to those who were able to attend Back to School Night.  If you were unable to make it, I have put my powerpoint presentation in the downloads section of the 2nd grade webpage.  Last night I mentioned an app that gives a Fountas and Pinnell level for children's books.  It is called LevelIt.  I can't believe I couldn't remember that!  Also, many bookstore will be able to help you determine book levels.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Our Class Puzzle

For homework last week, each child designed a creative puzzle piece to represent themselves.  This morning, we worked as a class to see how our individual pieces could join together to make a class puzzle.  The students worked thoughtfully and collaboratively.  The completed puzzle will be displayed in our classroom all year.  We hope you will be able to stop by and take a look!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Place Value

Our first math unit focuses on place value.  Yesterday the students began to use base 10 manipulatives to create 3-digit numbers.  We added and subtracted 1, 10, and 100 to see how that would change the way the number was written.  Please look in the downloads section of the 2nd grade webpage to find out more about this unit.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Welcome to our 2nd Grade Blog.  Here is where you will find photos and updates about what is happening in our classroom.  We are off to a great start and are looking forward to an exciting year.  Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns, either via email at jhall@graland.org, or phone on 303-398-3669.